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Main » 2009 » May » 7 » Kalung Bio Fir
Kalung Bio Fir
Kalung Bio Fir
Apa sih Kalung BioFir itu??
Sebuah kalung yang tampaknya biasa saja, namun ternyata mampu mentransfer energi bio yang cukup tinggi kepada pemakainya hingga dapat membantu penderita berbagai penyakit. Termasuk di antaranya penderita kolesterol, asam urat, diabetes mellitus / gula darah / kencing manis, sinusitis, nyeri pinggang dan punggung, nyeri di persendian, pusing-pusing, migrain, pembengkakan prostat dan berbagai penyakit lainnya. Caranya? Ini sebuah kalung, tentu cara pakainya adalah dilingkarkan di leher. Boleh juga dililitkan di pergelangan tangan atau ditempelkan pada bagian yang sakit.

Ini bukan magic dan tidak berbau mistis sama sekali. Tapi ini adalah PRODUK ALAMI dan ILMIAH yang kami sebut dengan Bio Necklace. Sebuah kalung dengan manik-manik batu keramik yang memancarkan Sinar-Inframerah-Gelombang-Panjang (Far Infrared Ray atau disingkat FIR).

Studi terbaru tentang Bioteknologi menemukan bahwa Sinar-Inframerah-Gelombang-Panjang (dengan panjang gelombang antara 6-14 mikron) berperan penting dalam formasi dan pertumbuhan makhluk hidup termasuk memiliki banyak manfaat untuk tubuh manusia. Untuk alasan inilah, sinar inframerah ini disebut juga Sinar Bio Genetik (BIOFIR). Semua makhluk hidup di Bumi selalu terdiri dari molekul air dan protein kompleks. Molekul air selalu tidak stabil. Jika molekul air dioksilasikan dengan panjang gelombang antara 8-10 mikron (itu adalah panjang gelombang oksilasi air) akan terjadi semacam getaran ketidakstabilan (resonansi).
Apa sih kehebatan Bio Fir ??
  1. Membantu mengaktifkan molekul-molekul air di dalam tubuh, menguatkan organ-organ tubuh dan memperkuat daya tahan tubuh dari berbagai penyakit.
  2. Membantu mengembangkan pembuluh darah dan memperlancar peredaran darah.
  3. Membantu fungsi kerja limfa serta mencegah terjadinya penyakit gondok.
  4. Membantu mengatasi gangguan migran dan vertigo.
  5. Membantu mengurangi ketegangan sistem saraf dan meningkatkan kekuatan fisik.
  6. Membantu mengatasi gangguan asthma dan bronkhitis
  7. Membantu mengatasi sinusitis
  8. Membantu meningkatkan kemampuan sex
  9. Membantu mengatasi reumatik dan asam urat
  10. Mengaktifkan sel-sel dan meningkatkan metabolisme
  11. Mengurangi resiko kanker akibat radikal bebas
  12. Membantu menghilangkan bau badan
  13. Membantu membersihkan karat dan membuang racun serta kotoran dari badan
  14. Membantu mengatasi penyakit jantung koroner
  15. Membantu mengatasi masalah darah tinggi ataupun darah rendah
  16. Membantu mengatasi gangguan pencernaan, fungsi hati dan lambung
  17. Membantu mengatasi gangguan susah tidur
  18. Membantu mengurangi keasaman dan kekentalan darah serta melegakan tekanan darah pada jantung
  19. Membantu mengurangi kadar garam dalam darah
  20. Menjaga dan meningkatkan kesegaran tubuh
  21. Membantu kulit tampil lebih segar, tampak awet muda dan ceria
  22. Mencegah pembiakan bakteri
Spoiler for Foto SBY make kalung Biofir:

Jangan Sampai terkecoh dengan Barang Murah.

Harga Retail Rp. 1.350.000,- 1x Seumur Hidup ==> Harga Kaskus PM aja..
1 Set: 47 butir kalung + 16 butir gelang

Harga Retail Rp. 1.520.000,- 1x Seumur Hidup ==> Harga Kaskus PM aja..
1 Set: 47 butir kalung + 16 butir gelang

ontact Person:
Johkie Alexius Huang
Call / SMS : 0852 833 00 132
YM :

Views: 1821 | Added by: buditrb | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 ifwbmbsaj  
Agrees to Occupy 3 rd of Hudson Yards System

Kohn Pedersen Fox AssociatesA rendering on the new tower that Coach will anchor at Hudson Metres. Mayor Michael jordan R. Bloomberg mentioned Tuesday that Discipline Inc. will buy over 800, 000 square ft. in the first tower system with the Hudson Yards site in a very major advancement for the longgestating growth undertaking.マークバイマークジェイコブス 財布 "This deal means that the industry has talked: The Far West Side's fiscal potential has already become a monetary reality, " the actual mayor said to produce the launch, associated with city officers and real estate operatives.ケイトスペード 財布 Instructor, the additional maker of purses as well as other leather items, would inhabit the bottom third of a 1 ) 7millionsquarefoot structure, for being on 30th Street and 10 Avenue. Typically the tower is section of a suggested 5. 5millionsquarefoot intricate, encompassing another tower and also a sevenstory retail price space, that could stretch around several hindrances, between 30th and 33rd Streets and 10th along with 11th Ways.コーチ バッグ Construction from the initial tower is expected to begin next year also to be completed by simply 2015.

Coach's ceo, Lew Frankfort, stated the company would certainly relocate its company headquarters and a single, 500 staff from its recent offices along thirty fourth Street to the new constructing. Even though site will not be any manufacturing centre, employees there may include merchants who help make Coach's selections, prototypes and also limited edition items.ミュウミュウ バッグ The system is a part of a proposed 26acre mixed employ project, being developed over productive railyards by Similar Companies, together with Oxford Components Group. The master plan for the task includes 6 million square feet of economic driveway, one million sq.ft of retail price space, 5, 000 flats in nine dwellings, a 150room motel, a societal center, plus a new community school. The internet site could well be reachable with a new off shoot of the Number seven subway range, which can be scheduled for being completed by simply December 2013. Christine Chemical. Quinn, the speaker in the City Local authority or council, praised Instructor for the conclusion to move to be able to Hudson Back yards. "Finally, we are going to provide you with a constructing as nice as the pocketbooks, inch she said.

The particular tower Coach can occupy is along with typically the northernmost portion of positive aspects Range. It will likewise abut the complex's suggested cultural centre, that this architects Diller Scofidio + Renfro are making an effort to conceptualize. The creciente said he wished that the ethnic center would household art exhibitions, theatrical activities, movie premieres and, ultimately, Fashion 1 week, which currently takes place with Lincoln Centre. The city also publicised that CSX Travelling Inc. has agreed in rule to donate the 3rd and final section of the High Line raised railbed, that can allow the park to become finished. The fresh halfmile portion, which hugs the West Part Railyards, operates west to 12th Avenue, by 30th Street and also 10th Path, and after that continues north to 34th Avenue. In july 2004, CSX contributed the part of positive aspects Line south of 30th Lane to the town. The fresh contract, and that is governed by final terms, will likely preserve some sort of spur that crosses over 10th Ave at 30th Avenue.

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